Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I WONDER whether the government takes into consideration the consequences of its actions especially when they involve language and education.
It’s only been six years since the Government introduced its PPSMI policy and yet it is giving up! Six years is considered a very short time to judge whether or not students can cope with the change, because those who study in English, will obviously take time to adapt and show improvement.
Where is its patience and is this a good example to set for the younger generation?
Do you give up on your own baby if he has speech problems when he turns six?
Does the government realise that reverting to Bahasa Malaysia in 2012, will cause a lot of anguish to children who have been learning Maths and Science in English ?
Do politicians and policy makers realise that there will be a drop in performance? And when it does happen, will they have a back-up plan?
The government wants Malaysians to be proficient in English, but they have no patience nor perseverance in seeing its policy through.
It is not too late, the Government can reconsider its decision and continue with the teaching of Science and Maths in English.

Via e-mail

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